Contact Hub Project Lead Materials that revive our world Uluu is an Australian start-up that has developed the world’s first truly compelling alternative to plastic. The company produces natural materials called ‘PHAs’ that act like plastic but are made from seaweed, not fossil fuels.

Uluu’s materials are strong, lightweight and waterproof, while being biocompatible, climate positive and truly biodegradable. They are naturally produced using saltwater microbes fed with farmed seaweed. This regeneratively-grown feedstock can be scaled to entirely replace the fossil fuels used to make 400 million tonnes of plastic each year.

Uluu and the Hub are working together to develop textiles that can replace polyester, which is used to make about half of all clothing. These textiles end our reliance on fossil fuels, do not release microplastics and can be reused, recycled or composted.

Project Lead: A/Professor Chris Hurren
Research lead: Dr Bin Tang
Uluu Partner Investigators: Dr Julia Reisser and Dr Reza Beigi
Visit Uluu Website